Posts about Ruby on Rails

Final Thoughts on General Assembly

I’ve been promising to write a wrap-up post about General Assembly and have continued to receive requests asking about what my experience was like and if I think it’s worth it. Now that it’s been almost 3 months since the program ended, I feel I can do a better job of wrapping it all up.

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Arbitr Project

Arbitr Splash page
Arbitr Splash page

The final project that I created in WDI was an app that had been on my mind for quite a few months because it was an app that my husband, Jesse, had been wanting someone to build since February 2013. He is an assistant debate coach and spends most of his weekends during the school year at Debate Tournaments. There is a particular way that both the judges and the teams track debate rounds and they are referred to as flows. A textbook shows an example of a flow as this:

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WDI Week Four

We’ve started our first projects, so this will be a shorter summary than usual. Also, we only had a 4-day week due to Bartolomé Day, so I spent a good portion of Monday making my homework better and better and trying to study up on stuff.

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WDI Week Three

It really does feel like these weeks are just blowing by so quickly. Over the weekend I stumbled across some shortcuts in TextMate that I didn’t realize existed and made me love the software even more. The first couple days of the week were very mini-project based, which was nice. I said to my husband Tuesday night, “I’ve made 3 basic web apps this week…and it’s only Tuesday.” It’s really nice to have things like that to show the progress we’re making. First business of the week was that they mixed up the Camels and the Snakes, because when they polled us they found that we wanted more interaction with the other students. So I had to switch into the Camel classroom, which I like a lot better because there’s no glare on my glossy computer screen causing me extreme difficulty all day.

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