Posts about Work

From Coupa to Glassbreakers

It’s been way too long since I’ve written a post on this particular blog, so what better occasion than to announce that after 3 1/2 years I have left my job at Coupa Software. My last day was on August 18th and I will certainly miss the friends I made there, but it was definitely time for a change.

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Last Day at Viator

Employees at Viator Those at Viator who voted in the 2012 election showing off the stickers

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Jobs Are Not Big Enough for People

Jobs are not big enough for people. You ask most people who they are, they define themselves by their jobs. I’m a doctor, I’m a radio announcer, I’m a carpenter. If someone asks _me_, I say "I’m Amanda McKenny, and at certain points in time, I do things for a living".

Working by Studs Terkel

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Life starts anew

It’s recently become very clear to me that the biggest immediate goal in my life right now is to get hired by a fun tech startup in the city. The search is both exciting and nerve-wrecking, much akin to dating. “Oh my gosh, what if no one wants me?” But like love, I’m sure that when it does fit for both the company and me, it will be glorious.

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