Posts about Projects

Project: Is Alameda Exploding?

I live on the island of Alameda in the San Francisco Bay area. We are bordered on our east side by the Oakland Coliseum and our west side by AT&T Park just directly across the water 3 miles away. When there are fireworks in either of these places we can hear them, and sometimes see them. On holidays we hear all the surrounding fireworks. We also get Blue Angels flying over and so on.

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Arbitr Project

Arbitr Splash page
Arbitr Splash page

The final project that I created in WDI was an app that had been on my mind for quite a few months because it was an app that my husband, Jesse, had been wanting someone to build since February 2013. He is an assistant debate coach and spends most of his weekends during the school year at Debate Tournaments. There is a particular way that both the judges and the teams track debate rounds and they are referred to as flows. A textbook shows an example of a flow as this:

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BestBeachToday Project

The app that I first set out to create, and the one that I presented on Demo Day on Friday are different, because I really had to scale my vision down and just produce the MVP due to lack of time. I'd like to think of what I presented as a working prototype. I plan on making it lots better.

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